Sonipat, Haryana-based Priya Printers recently invested in a 26-inch Mark Andy Performance Series P9E. The company already owns a 13-inch Mark Andy Performance Series P7. The machine was supplied and installed by Flexo Image Graphics (FIG).

Priya Printers is a commercial printer with a fully-equipped production facility.

Gourav Roy, managing director, FIG, said, “Mark Andy Performance Series P9E is such an efficient press designed and engineered to redefine Priya Printers’ productivity through the press’ advanced features and capacities like simple design, efficient waste saving, and fast changeover times. This flexo press is an ideal machine for those packaging convertors who wish to expand into new market domains.”

Priya Printers chooses the Mark Andy Performance Series P9E with a focus on high-quality standup pouches. The machine is impeccably compatible with a range of multiple media comprising films, shrink sleeves, lidding foils, etc. It is built with new servo-controlled impression adjustment, independent servo-driven anilox rolls, and servo-side adjustment, operating at the maximum print speed up to 305-m/min.

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